Come join us in adoration of Our Lord at His Altar of Repose, starting after Mass on Holy Thursday until 11 am Good Friday. See flocknote for sign up
It is not to late to joing the Bible Study group as they study and share Isaiah, who adresses his people during a time of extreme social and spiritual decline throughout society.
Wednesday mornings, from 9:30-11:30 in the St. Patrick's Hall, beginning Sept. 11th. For more information, contact Mike Maples at 805-478-2264
Have you been worshipping with us, but never taken the step to become Catholic? Have you been Catholic all your life, but never celebrated the sacraments of initiation? Are you from a different faith background, and would like to learn more about the Catholic faith?
If you, or someone you know answered yes to any of these questions, please join us, Thursday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm at St. Cecelia's Center, in the OCIA "upper room" Contact Traci at (530) 575-0176 or [email protected] to talk about beginning your journey "Home".